To day I want to discuss a very important topic with all of you because nowadays it appear to me that everyone has forget about the importance of this characteristic of a Muslim. Actually yesterday I was reading a book of hadith and I read a hadith regarding Haya and then I felt the importance of it.
Abu Mas’ud ‘Uqbah bin Amr al-Ansari al Badri, radiyallahu anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallhu alayhi wasallam, said:
“ Amoung the things that people have found from the words of the previous prophets was: if you feel no shame, then do as you wish.” [Al-Bukhari]
Haya can be translated as: modesty, shame, shyness.
Actually the word Haya was drived from the word “al-hayah” which means life that’s why scholars says a person who has no Haya(shame or modesty) is alike dead person.
Islam encourages modesty. It is one of the most important characteristic of every Muslim.
There is so many other hadith which is related to this and I want to quote few of them.
“Al-Haya (Modesty) is part of Iman (faith)”.
“Haya does not produce but goodness”. [Recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Ibn Rajab pointed out according to the early scholars of Islam that, if you have no modesty, then do whatever you wish and Allah will punish you for what you do. This mode is used by the quran in Surah Fussilat: ayat 40.
Haya (modesty) is one of the most important factors of a person which keeps him/her away from the sinful acts. If a person has no Haya he will do almost every thing without thinking that his act is a good or bad.
Unfortunately today due to misuse of technology (Media) this great concept is endangered. A very common sentence used among us that media provides Entertainment.
Entertainment is taking destructive direction which is affecting the concept of Haya negatively. Every one knows that because of this entertainment the chances of committing sins are very higher and the chances of neglecting obligations are higher as well. Because most of the elements of this new entertainment are crime, suspicious acts and adultery assorted together.
Actually we are abusing modesty through many ways not only by the misuse of media, for example at one side we Muslims are buying media material from the west and we all knows that the west is researching on Qur’an and on the seerat (character) of our beloved prophet Mohammad (sallallhu alayhi wasallam) as well but we are not looking at this. We are not getting the good acts of west which they have.
Sometime we know very well that a person is telling us something good but we don’t admit it because of our ego, so this is another example of abusing Haya. I personally think that there shouldn’t be any shame to accept our wrong acts because if you start accepting it and you don’t cause of your ego, so InshaAllah one day you will correct it as well.
According to the meaning of another hadith which shows us the importance of Haya is:
Haya (modesty) and Iman (faith) are linked. When there is iman, there is haya and if one is lifted, the other is also lifted. All of us born with natual Haya.
So we should try to understand the importance of Haya and keep practice it, but remember that Haya cannot be used as an excuse for not doing good deeds and acts.
May Allah guide us towards the right path and give us tufeeq to understand Qur’an and Hadith.